World Craft 2
World Craft 2
World Craft 2

World Craft 2

World Craft 2

With World Craft 2, you can continue to explore the blocky universe! This game, inspired by Minecraft, immerses you in a familiar, enchanting, and limitless universe of pixel blocks. You can demonstrate your creativity and endurance by building things according to your own ideas. If you like Minecraft, you will enjoy this adventure game. You will need to mine minerals to construct houses, gardens, and even entire towns. As you search for everything you need, explore four different maps. The entire universe is in your hands!

How To Play

Your room is constantly full of everything you need to create the most elegant and stunning masterpieces. And most importantly, no one will bother you, so feel free to create your own universe. You can unwind and make all of your wild dreams come true. Explore and equip all four unique worlds available in the game. Each location has its own vibe and flavor. Dilute it all with your ideas and structures, and try your hardest to make it come alive again! Destroy unneeded blocks, replace them with fresh blocks, and construct



  • Move the mouse to reposition the camera.
  • Use the LEFT CLICK to use tools.
  • Use an item or resource by RIGHT-CLICKING on it.


  • Simply press the arrow keys or W, A, S, or D to move.
  • Press the spacebar to jump.
  • Press the button E to view your inventory.

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