Geometry Dash Myriad
Geometry Dash Myriad
Geometry Dash Myriad

Geometry Dash Myriad

Geometry Dash Myriad

Geometry Dash Myriad is a level that faithfully recreates many distinct designers' styles and feelings. The color palette remains consistent throughout the design, giving the impression that one level is eternal and coherent. Some of the speedier sections from middle to end, which are substantially more difficult, will undoubtedly keep you intrigued. The level in question is known as TheDevon, which suits both visually and gameplay-wise. His section is frequently one of the most difficult in a megacollab. Overall, this is a game that revolves more around Easy Demon; therefore, the harder parts are quite difficult.

Some intriguing details

  • The wave before the demons split and the wave after appeared more difficult than the rest of the level. It was great!
  • The color combination makes it difficult to identify which creator he is emulating.
  • This level and others serve as proof that Cirtrax is a fantastic innovator. He can build in a variety of styles in addition to his usual ones!
  • Really enjoyable levels featuring a mega collaboration of diverse creative styles.

How To Play

You can try to figure out which creator each section refers to. The design appears discrete yet has outstanding homogeneity. When faced with a challenge, be overwhelmed by the variety of color options. Click and release while moving across different parts of space. Seamlessness will lead you closer to the conclusion of your adventure.

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