Geometry Dash Color Dance
Geometry Dash Color Dance
Geometry Dash Color Dance

Geometry Dash Color Dance

Geometry Dash Color Dance

Captivate vividness of Geometry Dash Color Dance and the way it conveys things with interesting effects. Many colors are scattered everywhere, in different places, not only in the background but also in the blocks. All of this, combined with many different unique transitions and animations, creates its own impression. The combination of creators delivers level design that has good musical synchronization. Discover surprises and unlock individual rounds.

How to collect user coins?

Geometry Dash Color Dance is completely designed with a combination of Underings, Hyenaedon, and Wolfy. Epic Harder level was rated 7 stars and 3 user coins when the level was released. The magnificence is expressed through color schemes, the use of effects, and double-block gameplay. Is it easy to collect user coins?

First coin

It is easy to find the coin position as soon as it passes the small wave stage at the beginning. Right at the 22% stage, collect that first coin. It is not too difficult, but through this stage, players get used to the gameplay.

Second coin

Before finding the second coin location, you need to collect the key first at stage 40%. The spiny ball rolls with a rhythm that is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It is also easy to control and collect coins at the 50% stage of the journey. Usually, coins have the letter C symbol, so they are easy to detect.

Third coin

Actually reach the position of the last coin, and you are almost done with the conquest. Make your way through the brightly colored graphic space and collect coins at stage 97%. Experience exciting double-block gameplay.

How To Play

The fluidity of speed provides more fun when controlling symbols. Go through gates that change color and synchronize with each musical melody. It's easy to control jumps with the mouse or space bar when playing on a PC.

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