Geometry Dash Agleam
Geometry Dash Agleam
Geometry Dash Agleam

Geometry Dash Agleam

Geometry Dash Agleam

Enjoy exhilarating moments as you skillfully navigate the icon through the Geometry Dash Agleam, challenging obstacles. Explore the dangerous maze as a cube character, aiming for the maximum possible score.

Impressive features

Colored support pads

This game features three types of jumping pads in various colors. They come in three colors: purple, white, and yellow. They'll help you jump really high. However, take care! On a high jump, you can try to get to the top of the maze, but you fail. The jump pad here is both supportive and harmful. At times, it's necessary to steer clear of them to prevent early losses. Try to run as far as possible and achieve the maximum possible score.

User coin

The dark background design completely covers the space, but easily highlights the user's coin position. Is it easy to collect all three user coins? The first coin is located in ship mode when moving to stage 14%. Move through each stage (UFO mini, Cube mini, Wave, Ship mini, and UFO mini) and collect the second coin on the next Cube mini stage. Go through a series of spaces at a fast-moving speed, so adjust well. Next comes the space journey robot, double wave ship, UFO, and collecting the last coin above the ball stage. Finish the last wave and get the level victory icon.

How To Play

The level is really interesting, as each stage has to pay attention to the space where you need to jump. Players easily adapt to these dramatic transformations. Explore and learn the art of smooth, sequential mouse navigation.

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